Looking for an answer to a specific question? Check out our FAQ below. Click the topic you want answers to.
Registration is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Begin by deciding if you would like to attend one of our in-person Walk locations on Sunday, May 25, or participate in our virtual challenge. Choose your desired event location and begin your registration process by clicking the “Register” button on your Walk Location page.
For a detailed step by step video to registration click here.
There may be times when donors would like to give you a donation to The Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History in the form of cash or cheques. Submitting your offline funds can be easy and convenient! All offline donations can be recorded, submitted, and paid for on your online fundraising page. Our website allows you to record the donor’s information for tax receipt purposes and pay for the donation using your personal credit card.
Click here to visit our guide to submitting offline donations.
Click here to download a pledge form. Pledge forms can be submitted at your local Walk on May 25 with all cash and cheque donations. All donor information is required for tax receipt purposes.
The Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History is CF Canada’s largest fundraising event taking place at over 40 locations across Canada on Sunday May 25. Every dollar fundraised for the Walk puts us that much closer to reaching our goal of raising $2.65 million dollars for our 21st edition.
We have developed some fundraising tools with YOU in mind. We want to provide our incredible fundraisers with the support they need to reach their ambitious fundraising goals!
Click here to visit our fundraising tools page.
When you participate in the Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History, you become part of a determined and caring community who are taking a #StepToward - never having to cancel plans because of CF, toward not having to take multiple enzymes a day, toward no more hospital stays, toward making sure everyone gets the treatments they need, towards life-changing research, toward a future without CF.
The Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History is our largest and most successful national event and fundraiser. We rely on the generous fundraising efforts of our walkers, donors, partners and volunteers who can help Canadians living with CF access critical medicines, fuel innovative research, ensure care and support is available, support fundraising and overall improve and lengthen lives.
For more information about Cystic Fibrosis Canada, please visit our website.
Participating in the Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History in person or virtually is completely your choice! First step is to search if there is a Walk location near you, and if there is not, you can participate in our Virtual Challenge.
For in person events, please note that Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s standard infection prevention protocols will be in place at all events.
The health and well-being of people with cystic fibrosis is our top priority. Attendance by any person with CF at an indoor or outdoor event hosted by CF Canada is at the individual’s own risk. For more information, please visit our website.
What is the Virtual Challenge?
A virtual walk gives participants the opportunity to complete their walk individually (from whatever location they prefer) rather than attending their local Walk in person.
Enjoy the flexibility of completing your Virtual Challenge on your own schedule throughout the month and join us in spirit on Walk Day, May 25, 2025.
If you have already registered, and you did not opt-in to the contests (which means you did not pay the $25 fee) it is not too late.
Please send an email to walk@cysticfibrosis.ca, informing the team that you would like to opt-in.
A member of the National Walk Team will reply back to you to confirm that they will add the $25 to your fundraising page, and you will receive a link shortly after with a request to pay online.
Once you pay online, you will be entered into all of the contests and incentives. Please note that you will only be eligible for all contests and incentives that have not yet concluded. A notice of atleast 24 hours must be given before a draw or deadline date to be included.
For more information about sponsoring the Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History, please email us at walk@cysticfibrosis.ca
You can make an online donation by clicking the “Donate” button in the top header. You can either make a general donation to the walk or search for a team or a walker and donate directly to them!
Funds raised at the Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History will contribute to the work being done by Cystic Fibrosis Canada to benefit local communities nationwide. Funding is used towards innovative CF research and treatment and ensures the care and support that our entire community needs is available and accessible. With your help, we are going further to lengthen and improve lives.
To learn more about how your fundraising impacts the CF community, click here.
This year we have changed our registration process so that each individual who is registering for the Walk must do so using a unique email address. This has helped to streamline our reporting process as well as fix outstanding data issues from previous Walks. Each registrant will be given a personal fundraising page that is attached to their email address.
You can now register your children 12 years old and under, within the parent/guardian’s registration, if the child does not need their own fundraising page. The registration process will ask you how many children you are bringing with you.
All children attending an in-person event will benefit from all the fun and activities of the Walk Jr. Superhero Club (whether or not they have a fundraising page).
If your child, who is 12 years old and under would like to fundraise on their own, you must register your child with a unique email address. Please note, if they would like to participate in our Walk Jr. contest, they must have their own fundraising page to be eligible as this is an online contest only.
Team members are able to join your fundraising team at any point during the Walk season up until our registration page closes on the Friday before the Walk.
Two ways to do this:
1) Send your team page link to members and they can select "Register" to register their personal page under your team!
2) The process is simple to add another member to your team who may not live in your household. When on your Team Page click the “Register” button to begin the process. You will need a personal email address for the participant in order to make them their own fundraising page. Collect other personal information from them such as phone number, age, gender, years of participation and their mailing address to complete the registration process.
A confirmation email will be sent completing registration to your participant’s email to let them know they have joined your team and are registered for Walk Day!
If someone has already registered as an individual and they want to join your team, check out our video » https://vimeo.com/932288993?share=copy
In an open-air environment, there is less concern for person-to-person transmission of infections but travelling with other people with CF in a car, or meeting them socially increases the level of risk.
People with CF may attend Cystic Fibrosis Canada hosted outdoor events such as The Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History but are advised to maintain a distance of at least six feet (about two meters) from other individuals with CF at all times.
Self-disclosure as a person with CF is voluntary. Each Walk location is provided with branded CF Canada bandanas that can be picked up at registration if an individual is looking to self-disclose.
© 2025 Cystic Fibrosis Canada. All Rights Reserved
Charitable Registration No. 10684-5100 RR0001