Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by their employees? This means you could multiply the impact of your donation by following a few easy steps. By simply completing your organization’s match gift paperwork you could double or even triple your fundraising efforts.
How does a ‘match gift’ help the cystic fibrosis community?
When you double your hard-earned fundraising dollars through a matching gift, you have DOUBLED the impact on the CF community. You can take a #StepToward ending CF for all.
You’ve helped one adult living with CF receive consultation from their CF social worker on ways to cope with mental health issues related to living with CF.
You’ve supported a research fellow to conduct one day of ground-breaking research to find treatments for rare CF mutations.
You’ve provided a bottle of stem cell growth media for researchers testing gene editing methods in CF lung cultures.
“We walk so that other children like Emma living with cystic fibrosis can live an almost normal life. We continue to walk for research money that benefits local Children’s Hospitals and advancements in research to one day find a cure.” - Simon, Captain of team "I love Emma"
Looking for useful tools to help fundraising at work easier? We have you covered. Click to download these helpful guides.
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Charitable Registration No. 10684-5100 RR0001